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Rules of Purity
I humbly seek clarification on the rulings of ritual purity in Shia Islam, specifically regarding the following scenario: 1. After urination, if a person does not perform istinja with water, stones, or any other material, and instead: - Immediately places the penis back into their pants without any cleansing, - Delays washing the penis for 5–6 hours, - Does not clean the affected area or clothing during this period, Would the person be considered najis during those 5–6 hours? 2. After the delay, if they finally wash the penis with water: - Does this restore taharah, or does the prior delay invalidate the cleansing? - Are the pants/underwear najis during this time due to contact with the unclean penis? 3. Impact on worship: Would prayers performed during the 5–6 hour period (before washing) be invalid due to the state of najis? I ask this because I wish to understand the precise rulings on delayed cleansing and the status of the body/clothing in such cases. Your guidance on these details would be deeply appreciated. Jazakallah for your attention.
Are non Muslims tahir?
My question is that if a women in mutah marriage And talk to her husbnd And her husband is living in other country So if she talk to her hsbnd and suddenly white water comes out ،is the Qosl Wajib?
If prostate fluid is emitted with urine, does Ghusl-e-Janabat become obligatory?
A woman and her husband engage in wooing and courtship during engagement period. They do not have sex but they derive other kinds of pleasures from each other. When does it become obligatory for the woman to perform Ghusl-e Janabat? Does mere sexual excitement make Ghusl mandatory? Please explain in brief.
Salamun alaykum. 1-I have been suffering from an intestinal problem for the past six years. I have been to more than ten doctors but to no avail. Some say that you have a nervous and irritable bowel. In a nutshell, I am suffering from incontinence and I cannot retain my wudhu because I cannot control my bowl. After I make wudhu, I often break wind even in the middle of two successive prayers. I have not been able to find a cure and it is becoming a source of headache and frustration for me. I am becoming increasingly tired now and I wonder what my religious obligation is. 2- I have problem offering my prayers especially the noon and afternoon prayers. Since these two prayers should be offered in low and whispering voice, I sometimes have to offer my prayers several times because according to Imam Khomeini (ra), if one does not recite even one tašdīd "emphasis", his prayers become void. What is my obligation? I often cannot correctly pronounce the letter “zad” (ض). How do I have to go about it?
What is the Islamic law about touching the name "Allah" in different languages without Wudhu? What is the ruling about touching the word "Israel" (which means Abdullah)?
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