Is the marriage of a virgin without her father’s permission valid? In the case of her doing such and now wants a divorce, what should she do?
It has been several years that I have been married without my father’s consent. Of course later he gave me permission. Now after several years and not having ever consummated the marriage, we want to get divorced. Are both our marriage and divorces valid? This is while my family isn't content with our divorce.
Ayatullah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani:
1- Getting permission for a virgin girl is in accordance with precaution, although it isn't a condition for the validity of the marriage.
2- In the case of permission being a condition for the validity of a virgin girl’s marriage, even if it comes after the marriage contract has been executed, it will suffice and the marriage will be valid.
3- Divorce is possible in any case, and the consent of the families isn't a condition for its execution.
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