I humbly seek clarification on the rulings of ritual purity in Shia Islam, specifically regarding the following scenario:
1. After urination, if a person does not perform istinja with water, stones, or any other material, and instead:
- Immediately places the penis back into their pants without any cleansing,
- Delays washing the penis for 5–6 hours,
- Does not clean the affected area or clothing during this period,
Would the person be considered najis during those 5–6 hours?
2. After the delay, if they finally wash the penis with water:
- Does this restore taharah, or does the prior delay invalidate the cleansing?
- Are the pants/underwear najis during this time due to contact with the unclean penis?
3. Impact on worship: Would prayers performed during the 5–6 hour period (before washing) be invalid due to the state of najis?
I ask this because I wish to understand the precise rulings on delayed cleansing and the status of the body/clothing in such cases. Your guidance on these details would be deeply appreciated.
Jazakallah for your attention.
I humbly seek clarification on the rulings of ritual purity in Shia Islam, specifically regarding the following scenario:
1. After urination, if a person does not perform istinja with water, stones, or any other material, and instead:
- Immediately places the penis back into their pants without any cleansing,
- Delays washing the penis for 5–6 hours,
- Does not clean the affected area or clothing during this period,
Would the person be considered najis during those 5–6 hours?
2. After the delay, if they finally wash the penis with water:
- Does this restore taharah, or does the prior delay invalidate the cleansing?
- Are the pants/underwear najis during this time due to contact with the unclean penis?
3. Impact on worship: Would prayers performed during the 5–6 hour period (before washing) be invalid due to the state of najis?
I ask this because I wish to understand the precise rulings on delayed cleansing and the status of the body/clothing in such cases. Your guidance on these details would be deeply appreciated.
Jazakallah for your attention.
In the name of God the compassionate the merciful
1. Yes he's not just during this time.
2. When he cleans them then he is Taher.
3. The pants or other things that have contacted the penis wet are Najis.
4. Yes, the prayer performed is not valid because of being Najis.
May Allah bless You
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