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Westerners are the forerunners of studying and investigating Islamic economy in the contemporary era

Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani is one of the active scholars and researchers of the Islamic Seminary of Qom. Due to his fluency in several languages, he takes active part in scientific symposia and seminars held outside of Iran. In the scientific arenas especially those related to jurisprudential doctrines, he has presented the “written thought in Islam” theory and in the light…

The mechanism of the Islamic economic system is a process involving joint cooperation of economic expert and jurisprudent

The mechanism of the Islamic school and economic system is a product involving cooperation of economic experts and jurisprudents. There is one group that evaluates the existing economic situation and another group that deduces and discovers the Islamic school and economic system. According to a report published by International Quran News Agency (IQNA), Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani, speaking in the…

Some TV films promote violence/ Tolerance is half of intellect

Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani, lecturer of advanced jurisprudence and legal theories and the president of the Porch of Wisdom Institute underscored the role of media in promulgating moral and religious values and in raising awareness against violence. He said that violent behaviors emanate from lack of religious and moral training. “The aggressive urges and dispositions that we see in society originate…

“Al-Qadha wal-Qadhi” translation of “The Judgment and the Judge” Published

The Arabic translation of the Farsi version of “The Judgment and the Judge” (Judgment in Islam) authored by Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani and entitled “Al-Qadha wal-Qadhi” (Al-Qadha fil Islam) has been published and made available for Arabic readers. This book “Judgment in Islam”, which is a research attempt at explaining and criticizing Imam Khomeini’s (r.a.) view in three domains – judgment,…

Pathology of ‘Mahdawiyah’ Doctrine

National media should present genuine and profound image of ‘Mahdawi’ concepts Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani, faculty member of Hajj Mission of the Supreme Leader, said that the national media should portray a real and profound image of Mahdawi (messianic) concepts to facilitate development and spread of spiritual concepts and Islamic values in society and to eventually pave the way for…

Legal Actions against Individuals Casting Doubt Concerning Definite Religious Doctrines/ Raising doubt is a jurisprudential crime

Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani, lecturer of advanced jurisprudence and legal theories, said that the Islamic modest dress or what is referred as Hijab is one of the indisputable religious doctrines. He said that denying this doctrine and casting doubts about it can be regarded as an instance of creating insecurity and a serious jurisprudential offense. “Even the enemies of Islam know…

Ways to Respond to Religious Doubts

A doubt raised and provoked is an illness that needs to be treated/ Causes of Reduction of Religious Doubts Ayatollah Hadavi Tehran, the president of the Porch of Wisdom Institute and lecturer of advanced jurisprudence and legal theories said that responding to religious doubts and spurious arguments requires expertise and knowledge of religious issues as well as the audience. “One…

The Reason Why Some of the Youth are Inclined Towards False Spirituality: We Have Been Inefficient in the Field of Religious Education

In the field of religious guidance our performance has been quite weak. Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani, while expressing the reason for the inclination of some of the youth towards false spirituality, pointed out that if the situation today is compared to that which existed before the Islamic revolution, the spiritual progress achieved is very high, yet if it is compared to…

Malaysian minister: Iran, pillar of Islamic world

Kuala Lumpur, Jan 19, IRNA – Malaysian Minister of Religious Affairs Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom said that the Islamic Republic of Iran was the pillar of the Muslim world. Making the remarks in a meeting with Iranian senior cleric Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani on Thursday, he thanked the ayatollah for accepting the invitation of the Malaysian prime minister to…

Multiculturalism, Intercultural Dialogue Global Peaceful Co Existence

The International Conference on Global Movement of Moderates in Kuala Lumpur on 17, 18 & 19 January 2012 aims to promote a loose union of independent individuals committed to pursue an enduring and peaceful co-existence. This conference, which has its theme compelled on the notion of enduring peace would enlarge upon and redefine the need for moderation in our daily…