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The greatest obstacle to the advent of the Promised Mehdi (pbuh) is sin

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani: The greatest obstacle to the advent of the Promised Mehdi (pbuh) is sin, and the fastest way to connect to it is through faith and righteous deeds. Therefore, it is necessary for everyone to avoid sin and to promote faith and righteous deeds in the society in order to realize its noble appearance  

The prayers of Imam Sajjad (AS) are one of the most valuable Islamic heritages

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani: The prayers of Imam Sajjad (AS) are one of the most valuable Islamic heritages that should be paid more attention than before.

The current growing spread of Islam in the world is due to the uprising of Imam Hussein (AS).

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani: The current growing spread of Islam in the world is due to the uprising of Imam Hussein (AS).

Imam Ali (AS) is a GLOBAL who can be the intellectual and practical leader of all humanity, at all times and places.​

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani: Imam Ali (AS) is a GLOBAL, eternal and universal figure who can be the intellectual and practical leader of all humanity, at all times and places.

​Imam Javad (AS) is a comprehensive model for everyone, especially the youth

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani: Imam Javad (AS) is a comprehensive model for everyone, especially the youth. His name and memory should be spread more and more in the society.

Crying and praying were the two main tools of Imam Sajjad(AS) to convey the message of Ashura

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani: Crying and praying were the two main tools of Imam Sajjad(AS) to convey the message of Ashura.  

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani live on Instagram and Facebook Saturday to Wednesday

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani live on Instagram and Facebook Saturday to Wednesday 10.20 to 12 AM Iran summer time  

enduring physical torture were part of Imam Kazem's (as) efforts to establish and advance the school of Sadeghein

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani: Patience in political and social hardships, long imprisonment, and enduring physical torture were part of Imam Kazem's (as) efforts to establish and advance the school of Sadeghein (Imam Baqer and Imam Sadeq A.S.).  

Zyarate Jame Kabireh is the great heritage of Imam Hadi (AS) in explaining the guardianship of Ahl al-Bayt (AS).

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani: Zyarate Jame Kabireh is the great heritage of Imam Hadi (AS) in explaining the guardianship of Ahl al-Bayt (AS).  

The greatest achievement of Imam Baqir (as) was the creation of a comprehensive scientific movement

Ayatullah Hadavi Tehrani: The greatest achievement of Imam Baqir (as) was the creation of a comprehensive scientific movement.