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IslamQuest, a Website for Providing Answers to Queries on Quranic and Islamic Issues

Saturday, 23 April 2011 14:36
Published in News

Virtual Atmosphere group: is a multi-lingual Shiite website that was launched under the auspices of Ayatollah Hadavi Tehran to promote Quranic culture and provide answers to questions  on Quranic and religious issues.

According to International Quran News Agency (IQNA), Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani president of the Porch of Wisdom Cultural Institute told reporters that the website is the most important online source among Shia websites providing answers to spiritual and religious questions on Quranic, jurisprudential, moral, historical, ideological and theological themes.

Some of the main fields on this websites are “Questions on Quranic Issues”, “What Shia says”, “Mahdism and Awaiting the Promised (atf)”, “Muharram and the Epic of Ashura”, “Shari’ah Rules and Queries” and “Wilayat-e Faqih” plus Ayatollah Hadavi’s answers to public questions on national media programs.

The definition and proof of miracle; the nature of revelation; the descent of the Quran in Arabic; Quran and the meaning of Islam and Muslim; wet and dry and the Book that makes things clear (Kitabun Mubin), and questions on various Islamic topics such monotheism, prophecy, resurrection etc. are some of the themes discussed in ““Questions on Quranic Issues” section.

The “Mahdism and Awaiting the Promised” section includes topics on ‘Imam Mahdi (atf) in the sayings of the holy Prophet (pbuh)’, ‘the benefits of occultation of Imam Mahdi (atf)’, and ‘the rational proofs of the Imam’s being alive’.

‘Mourning for Imam Hussein (a.s.), the Reviver of Muslim society’, ‘the reason behind Imam Hussein’s not rising against Muawiyah’ and ‘Imam Hasan’ Peace treaty’ are some of the most important indexes under “Muharram and the Ashura Epic” section.

“What Shia says” is another part of this multi-lingual website which features materials under indexes such as ‘the proof of Imam Ali’s leadership from the Quran’, ‘the protection of the qasireen (those who are not guilty in their ignorance) from hell fire’, ‘Mushaf-e Fatima’, ‘crying and mourning on sad occasions according to Shia and traditions of al-Kafi’.

The website is available at  Those interested in sending question on religious and Quranic issues can go to the above address.

Office of Ayatollah Mahdi Hadavi Tehrani


Related link: Int’l Quran News Agency